.Heartworm Treatment.

Heartworm Treatment

The Mississippi River valley is a giant breeding ground for mosquitoes that transfer heartworms from dog to dog through biting. Prevention is best, but it’s not always 100% effective as resistant strains become more common. We offer two different treatment options for this fatal disease. The first is the approved method by the American Heartworm Association through a series of injections of a drug called Immiticide over two days. The second is a treatment protocol designed by Dr. Blagburn, a parasitologist at Auburn College of Veterinary Medicine. The second option is called the “slow kill” treatment plan and takes longer to treat but is safer, much less expensive, and has none of the strict exercise restrictions that the first option requires. With many of our rescues bringing in heartworm positive dogs for treatment, we have treated over 500 cases using both protocols, and we would love to put our experience to work for your pet’s heartworm treatment needs.